IDRiM2024 | The 14th International Conference of the International Society for the INTEGRATED DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT

Call for Papers - IDRiM Journal Special Issue

“Reviewing the Effectiveness of Integrated Disaster Risk Management Initiatives”

In conjunction with the 2021 International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM) conference, IDRiM Journal invites submissions of research papers (~8,000 words), technical notes (~4,000 words), and thematic summaries (~2,000 words) addressing the conference theme: “Reviewing the Effectiveness of Integrated Disaster Risk Management Initiatives.” This special issue will be managed by guest editors: Dr Thalia Balkaran (University of the West Indies, Mona); Dr Yasmin Bhattacharya (Shibaura Institute of Technology); Dr Hamilton Bean (University of Colorado Denver); Dr Xinyu Jiang (Wuhan University of Technology); Dr Hitomu Kotani (Kyoto University); and Dr Shingo Nagamatsu (Kansai University).

Since 2009, the IDRiM conference has been conducted annually in countries around the world to showcase research, discuss case studies, and address urgent problems within the field. This special issue looks back to move forward, inviting contributions that not only advance the state of the art in integrated disaster risk management research and effectiveness, but also summarize, synthesize, and assess facets of the field in order to set future priorities in areas including, but not limited to:

The guest editors encourage research paper, technical note, and thematic summary submissions from all conference presenters. In particular, we would like to encourage young scientists (graduate students, PhD candidates, and researchers who received their PhD within the past 2-3 years), as well as mid-career and senior researchers. Submissions made in conjunction with the IDRiM conference’s “Young Scientists Session (YSS)” will receive special consideration (see Note* below).

General questions about the Special Issue can be directed to Dr Hamilton Bean (

Submission Guidelines

New for this Special Issue, and in conjunction with IDRiM Journal’s recent request for Scopus indexing consideration, the guest editors are soliciting three types of submissions:

Research Papers:

8,000-10,000 (max.) words. Please follow the IDRiM Journal website’s instructions for authors. Special Issue submissions should include the words: “IDRiM 2021 Special Issue: Research Paper” on the cover page of the manuscript.

Technical Notes:

Up to 4,000 words. Technical Notes present in-progress research in ways that are less comprehensive than full research papers. At a minimum, Technical Notes should present original research; partial or preliminary results of research activities; discussion of techniques to accomplish research objectives, and next steps. To submit a Technical Note, please follow the IDRiM Journal website’s instructions for authors. Special Issue submissions should include the words: “IDRiM 2021 Special Issue: Technical Note” on the cover page of the manuscript.

Technical Summaries:

Up to 2,000 words. The Special Issue provides an opportunity for researchers to present a thematic summary or synthesis of one or more IDRiM 2021 conference panels and papers. Thematic summaries are intended to highlight significant questions and innovations raised during the conference about a particular area of integrated disaster risk management. Thematic summaries should (a) be derived from IDRiM 2021 conference participation, notes, and post-conference interactions and exchanges, (b) present an informed and balanced discussion of a particular theme, and (c) contribute to reviewing the effectiveness of integrated disaster risk management research and/or initiatives. To submit a Thematic Summary, please follow the IDRiM Journal website’s instructions for authors. Special Issue submissions should include the words: “IDRiM 2021 Special Issue: Thematic Summary” on the cover page of the manuscript.

Manuscripts submitted for the Special Issue will receive a minimum of two peer reviews from the Special Issue guest editors. Special Issue manuscripts will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis until December 1, 2021. The Special Issue is expected to be published in June 2022 but accepted manuscripts will be published online on a rolling basis before the full Special Issue edition of IDRIM Journal is released.


YSS participants who submit full-length papers by September 1, 2021 will be eligible for the quick review process, and review results will be sent back to authors within one month. Published papers will appear in the December 2021 Issue of the IDRiM Journal as YSS IDRiM Conference papers. The Guest editors for the quick review process are Dr Muneta Yokomatsu (Kyoto University) and Dr Subhajyoti Samaddar (Kyoto University). Questions about the quick review process for YSS submissions can be directed to Dr Muneta Yokomatsu (

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