IDRiM2024 | The 14th International Conference of the International Society for the INTEGRATED DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT

Young Scientists Session (YSS)

Young Scientists Session (YSS) - Detailed information

Young scientists represent a unique group of researchers within the academic world, as they consistently introduce innovative ideas and research that can either support or challenge existing ways of thinking about the world around us. However, the majority of young scientists leave academia within three years of completing their research programs. Consequently, many of their ideas and research often leave as well, without the exposure they deserve. This year, the YSS will take place in a hybrid format for the second time, following its debut at the 2023 conference in Roorkee, India. This format is designed to remove participation barriers and ensure that the best of the next generation still have the opportunity to shine, regardless of location or financial constraints. The competition consists of two parts: an oral presentation (for all participants) and a poster presentation (in person only participants).

The Young Scientists Session (YSS) is a unique and special occasion that the IDRiM conference offers each year to young scientists as an opportunity to present their innovative research to a wider audience. This year’s conference will follow a similar format to last year, where participants of the YSS will present their research in the same sessions as other, more senior researchers.

Entrance Requirements

Qualifications to be a Young Scientist are not determined by physical age or position. Presenters at past YSS events have primarily been graduate students (including Masters), PhD candidates, researchers who received their PhD degrees within the past 2-3 years, practitioners who have been working in the field for up to the last 3 years, and researchers who made their debut in an international academic discussion. If you are unsure whether you qualify for the YSS, please contact the IDRiM Secretariat at

Both Participation

Each speaker will have approximately ten minutes for their presentation and discussion. Young speakers will receive insightful feedback from senior researchers and other participants. All YSS participants are automatically eligible to take part in the “Best Young Scientists Award” competition. The Award Ceremony will be held during the conference.

Online Participation

The session is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 27 th August 2024, with the exact time to be confirmed at a later date.

In-Person Participation

Participations will be given either a speaking or poster slot on either Wednesday 28 th [Day 1] and Thursday 29 th [Day 2] August 2024 of the conference.

Best Young Scientists Award

As IDRiM does every year, we have organized the “Best Young Scientist Award” competition, where we request all senior researchers to serve as judges. Due to the two formats, there will be two winners of the competition this year. Note that the conference organisers reserve the right to change this.

The award ceremony will take place during the closing ceremony of the conference on Friday 30th August 2024 at:

  • 11:00 – 12:00 (Colombia)
  • 12:00 – 13:00 (East Coast United States)
  • 18:00 – 19:00 (Western and Central Europe)
  • 21:30 – 22:30 (India)
  • 01:00 – 02:00 on Saturday 31st August 2024 (Japan)
After The Conference

The top three YSS awardees (both in-person and online) for each language category—English and Spanish—from IDRiM 2024, will be invited to a specially arranged session in May 2025. This session will give the awardees a chance to deliver a full academic-style presentation to celebrate their achievement. The exact date and time of this event will be decided in consultation between the YSS and events committee and the awardees in the weeks following the IDRiM 2024 conference. To view past awardee presentations, please visit:

All YSS participants are encouraged to submit full-length papers. These submissions will be reviewed, and accepted papers will be published in the IDRiM journal. For more details about the journal, please visit:

Please note:

If you would like to submit your paper, please send the full manuscript to the IDRiM Journal, and notify the IDRiM Secretariat of your submission by emailing