Call for Abstracts & Special Session Proposals
“Reviewing the Effectiveness of Integrated Disaster Risk Management Initiatives : IDRiM Saga from 2001 to 2021”
IDRiM2021 will celebrate 12 years since the official establishment of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management(IDRiM) in 2009, and 20 years since our founding members first discussed integrated disaster risk management at the first IIASA-DPRI Annual Forum on Integrated Disaster Risk Management in 2001. Since 2009, we have hosted IDRiM conferences annually in various countries around the world, showcasing research, implementation case studies, and addressing some of the most pressing problems in the field.
In this light, IDRiM2021 takes on a special meaning as we look back at two decades of applied and theoretical research on IDRiM. Thus, we may ask, how has IDRiM contributed to disaster risk reduction(DRR)? Should IDRiM play a more prominent role in global platforms on DRR, development, and climate change adaptation? Can IDRiM promote implementation science through ideas such as the case-station field campuses (CASiFiCA) and other initiatives? Can IDRiM play a stronger role in bridging the gap between local, national, and international multi-stakeholder discussions on DRR? How “integrated” have our efforts been? Do we need to expand our views? How can advances from other disciplinary fields and initiatives that have not been traditionally included in the DRR discourse (e.g. sustainable futures, conscious businesses and new economics paradigms, green construction, life cycle assessment and planning, environmental protection including reducing consumption and waste, simple living, green cities, disaster history, anthropology, and cultural studies, and many more) contribute to DRR and vice versa?
In addition, IDRiM2021 also facilitates the Young Scientist, which is mainly graduate students, PhD candidates, researchers who received their PhD degree within the past 2-3 years, and researchers who made their debut in international academic discussion, to have fruitful discussions and receive insightful feedback from senior researchers in the Young Scientists Session (YSS). This session is a unique and special occasion that the IDRiM conference provides every year. Please click here to read more about it.
IDRiM2021 will look at the above topics as well as presentations addressing issues related to:
- Understanding hazards and risks
- Managing Risks
- Sustainable Development
- Addressing interconnections, chain effects/cascading events
- Globalization and ripple effects of disasters
- Addressing issues related to aging and shrinking populations
- Promoting intergenerational discussion and collaboration
- Implementation science
- Resilience and Sustainability
- Disaster Education
- Population and development in Asia and Africa
- Human behavior, risk perception, and DRR
- Technological hazards triggered by natural hazards
- Disaster risk governance
- Systemic risks
- Pandemics / Covid-19
Submission Guidelines
Thank you very much for your interest in participating in the IDRiM2021 Conference! Please submit your proposals for the special session and/or abstract for the Call for Abstracts following the theme presented in this conference and adhere to the following guidelines
Name and Affiliations
Please include all author's name, their affiliations, and their contact e-mail address.
Please choose one of the key issues addressed in the explanation above.
Please give your proposals and/or abstracts a meaningful title that describe the study.
Deadline of the Submission
All abstracts must be uploaded in the pdf format on the registration page by 14 July 2021.
Abstract Template
Write your abstract based on the template provided here, by clicking the link below.
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Register through the button below and you will be redirected to the upload page.