IDRiM2024 | The 14th International Conference of the International Society for the INTEGRATED DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT

Call for Abstracts

We invite submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations. We especially encourage early-career scientists and students to submit their abstracts for consideration in the Young Scientist Session (YSS).

Abstract Submission Instructions

Abstract submission closed! Confirmations will be sent out shortly on e-mail to the registered participants.

In order to register to the upcoming IDRIM2022 conference as an online or onsite participant please fill in the online registration form, by submitting the following:

  • Information of the participant (name, academic title, institution, contact details);
  • Indicate if you would like to participate online or onsite by selecting your choice from the dropdown list;
  • Indicate if you would like to participate with or without a paper by selecting your choice from the dropdown list.

If you select the Participate with paper option from the dropdown list, additional fields will automatically appear within the registration form so you can submit your abstract. In order to do so, you will need to fill in information as follows:

  • Type of the presentation (oral presentation or poster);
  • Title of the presentation;
  • Names and affiliations of the presenter and co-authors of the study;
  • Abstract (within 200 words) and 3-5 keywords.

Language of Submission
All abstracts must be submitted in English only.


IDRiM2022 will focus on presentations addressing issues related to:

  • Understanding hazards and risks for a better risk management
  • Sustainable development and resilient societies
  • Reducing social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities
  • Risk communication and risk perception studies
  • Disaster education
  • Gender issues in disaster risk reduction
  • Technological disasters triggered by natural hazards (Natech)
  • Disaster risk governance (with a special focus on Central and South-Eastern Europe)
  • Managing cascading disasters during pandemics (Covid-19) / slow-onset catastrophes.
  • Climate and weather-related disasters
  • Climate change adaptation
  • Early warning systems
  • Critical infrastructure protection against disasters
  • Systemic risks
  • Economic impacts of disasters
  • Other topics related with integrated disaster risk management