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Angelika Planitz es la líder del equipo de reducción del riesgo de desastres en el equipo de reducción del riesgo de desastres y recuperación para el desarrollo de la resiliencia de la Oficina de Crisis del PNUD, con sede en Ginebra. Angelika tiene formación académica en administración pública y estudios de desarrollo, y es graduada del Instituto Alemán de Desarrollo, con más de 25 años de experiencia laboral en gobernanza del riesgo climático y de desastres y desarrollo de la resiliencia a nivel nacional, regional y mundial.
Antes de incorporarse al PNUD en 2012, Angelika estableció y gestionó la Oficina Subregional del Pacífico de la Estrategia Internacional de las Naciones Unidas para la Reducción de Desastres (UNISDR) en Fiji (2008-2012). También trabajó para la UNISDR en Bangkok (2007-2008); la Oficina de Prevención de Crisis y Recuperación del PNUD en Ginebra (2003-2007); Preocupación Mundial en la República Democrática Popular Lao (2000-2003); y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para la Reducción de Desastres del Pacífico Sur en Fiji (1996-2000). https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelika-planitz-752a7896/
Angelika Planitz is Disaster Risk Reduction Team Leader in UNDP Crisis Bureau’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery for Building Resilience Team, based in Geneva. Angelika has an academic background in Public Administration and Development Studies, and is a graduate of the German Development Institute, with over 25 years of working experience in disaster and climate risk governance and resilience building at national, regional and global levels.
Before joining UNDP in 2012, Angelika established and managed the Pacific Sub-Regional Office of the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) in Fiji (2008-2012). She also worked for UNISDR in Bangkok (2007-2008); UNDP’s Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery in Geneva (2003-2007); Concern Worldwide in the Lao PDR (2000-2003); and the UN South Pacific Disaster Reduction Programme in Fiji (1996-2000). https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelika-planitz-752a7896/
Yasuhide Okuyama, Ph. D. es profesor en la Universidad de Kitakyushu, Japón. Obtuvo su doctorado en la Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Champaign. Actualmente es coeditor jefe de Economic Systems Research, la revista académica internacional de la International Input-Output Association (IIOA). Es un distinguido académico e investigador en los ámbitos de las ciencias regionales, la modelización económica y el análisis del impacto de las catástrofes, reconocido por su amplia contribución a la comprensión de los efectos económicos de las catástrofes naturales y la aplicación de modelos económicos regionales a la planificación de la resiliencia y la recuperación ante catástrofes. Su experiencia abarca el análisis input-output, modelos de equilibrio general computable y modelos económicos espaciales, con los que evalúa los efectos a corto y largo plazo de las catástrofes en las economías regionales. Okuyama ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en el análisis de las secuelas económicas de las principales catástrofes mundiales, ofreciendo una visión crucial de la resistencia económica y la planificación estratégica de la recuperación. Ha ocupado diversos cargos académicos tanto en Estados Unidos como en Japón y ha contribuido de forma prolífica con artículos académicos, capítulos de libros y presentaciones en sus campos de especialización. El Dr. Okuyama, que participa activamente tanto en la comunidad científica regional como en la de gestión de catástrofes, aboga por enfoques interdisciplinarios en la gestión del riesgo de catástrofes, haciendo hincapié en la integración de las perspectivas económicas en debates más amplios sobre preparación, respuesta y recuperación ante catástrofes.
Cadastral and geodesic engineer from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, and specialist in Regional Development Planning and Administration from the Universidad de Los Andes. He was advisor in Integration and Regional Development Processes at the Secretariat of Planning of Bogota; director of Planning and Environmental Information Systems at the District Secretariat of Environment, consultant, university professor and researcher in Land Management, Regional Integration and Environmental Planning. He is currently the Director of the National Environmental System (SINA).
Civil Engineer, with a specialization in International Cooperation for Development and a Master’s Degree in Environment and Development.
She has served in various positions in the public and private sector and is currently the Deputy Project Manager of the Adaptation Fund.
Engineer in water resources and environmental management. Master in Public Policy and Social Services from the University of Salamanca, Spain, with studies in Nature Based Solutions developed in Japan. She has worked in various areas of disaster risk management in countries such as India, East Timor and Colombia. She is a university professor and currently works at the UNGRD, in charge of risk scenarios for hydrometeorological phenomena, risk monitoring and public and private co-responsibility issues in risk management.
Juan Bazo holds a PhD in Climate Sciences from the University of Vigo, Spain. He is currently Scientific Advisor of the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Center in Latin America, as well as research professor at the Technological University of Peru (UTP). He has worked as a researcher for the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Peru in the area of Climatology and has been a Professor at the Scientific University of the South. He has experience in Geosciences, with emphasis in Climate Sciences, ENSO, Climate Variability, Climate Change and Climate Risks and Disasters.
Chemical Engineer from the Universidad Industrial de Santander UIS, Master in Water Management and Treatment and Integrated Risk, Quality and Environmental Management from the University of Alicante (Spain), PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Murcia (Spain). Currently, Ramón is a full time professor-researcher at the University of Pamplona, attached to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, among other roles he performs at the same university.
Carolina García Londoño, PhD. Consultant, and President of the Antioquia Chapter of the Colombian Geological Society. Carolina has participated in several national and international applied research projects with emphasis on risk management, sustainable development and climate change. She has worked with various actors in government, academia, community and social organizations. She is a teacher and volunteer for several civil society organizations.
Forestry engineer from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Master in Management, Use and Conservation of the Forest from the same institution and PhD in Sciences from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She has more than 11 years of work experience in issues associated with integrated management of fire and forest fires. Her solid background in fire ecology and experience in territorial fire management has allowed her to lead processes of legislative transition and development of planning instruments in Colombia, in addition to providing international consultancies. She currently serves as the Deputy Director for Disaster Risk Reduction of the UNGRD.
Professor Ana Maria Cruz is the president of the IDRiM Society. She is a chemical engineer with a PhD in Environmental Engineering from Tulane University. She works at Kyoto University and is part of the Research Institute for Disaster Prevention. She is an international expert in industrial risk management and Natech risk management . She has more than 40 publications in international indexed journals.
Environmental Engineer with specialization in Project Management and studies in Disaster Risk Reduction from Universidad Pontificia Católica de Chile. She has experience in risk management in areas such as disaster response preparedness, risk management project formulation and early warning systems, among others. He has worked as a professional in the public and private sector in entities such as the Colombian and German Red Cross and the National Environmental Licensing Authority, among others. He is currently working at the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management on issues related to risk monitoring.
Professor at Kyoto University, Graduate School of Informatics. He is Vice President of the IDRiM Society and Secretary General of the Global Institute Alliance. Professor Tatatno has also coordinated the analysis of the economic consequences of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake and tsunami.
Geographer, with a master’s degree in Urban Environmental Management. More than 20 years of experience in disaster risk management, with emphasis on urban risks, recovery processes, disaster preparedness and prevention, and promotion of horizontal cooperation. He has worked for the last ten years in the United Nations Development Program in regional and national projects and United Nations inter-agency initiatives.
Civil Engineer and Master in Water Resources Development from the Faculty of Mines of the National University of Colombia, Medellin; Master of Science in Engineering from the University of California; PhD in Water Resources Engineering from the National University of Colombia, Medellin. His research areas are Hydrology, Climatology, Meteorology, Oceanography, Ecology, Influence and Effects of El Niño and La Niña in Colombia and the South American tropics.
Paul Kovacs, fundador y director ejecutivo del Instituto de Reducción de Pérdidas Catastróficas de la Western University y consejero delegado de PACICC, es el mayor experto canadiense en seguros y cambio climático, y ha contribuido a numerosos informes internacionales y canadienses destinados a mitigar las pérdidas provocadas por terremotos, inundaciones y fuertes vientos. Desde 1996, Kovacs ha contribuido como autor al Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC), el principal órgano mundial de evaluación de los problemas climáticos, que recibió el Premio Nobel de la Paz en 2007 por su labor en el avance de los conocimientos sobre el cambio climático inducido por el hombre. Es copresidente del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Infraestructuras y Construcción de la Plataforma de Adaptación de Canadá y del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Ciencia y Tecnología de la Plataforma de Reducción del Riesgo de Catástrofes de Canadá. Kovacs también es miembro activo de varias juntas y grupos consultivos. Con una carrera de más de treinta y cinco años como cotizado comentarista sobre seguros, seguridad ante catástrofes y política económica, es autor de más de 200 publicaciones y artículos. Kovacs es un ferviente defensor de los seguros, la resistencia ante catástrofes y la adaptación a los extremos climáticos.
Paul Kovacs, Founder And Executive Director Of The Institute For Catastrophic Loss Reduction At Western University And CEO Of PACICC, Is Canada’s Foremost Expert On Insurance And Climate Change, Having Contributed To Numerous International And Canadian Reports Aimed At Mitigating Losses From Earthquakes, Floods, And Severe Winds. Since 1996, Kovacs Has Played A Role As A Contributing Author To The Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC), The Premier Global Body For Assessing Climate Issues, Which Was Awarded The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize For Its Work In Advancing Knowledge On Human-Induced Climate Change. He Serves As Co-Chair For Both The Infrastructure And Building Working Group Of Canada’s Adaptation Platform And The Science And Technology Working Group Of Canada’s Platform On Disaster Risk Reduction. Kovacs Is Also An Active Member On Several Boards And Advisory Panels. With A Career Spanning Over Thirty-Five Years As A Sought-After Commentator On Insurance, Disaster Safety, And Economic Policy, He Has Authored More Than 200 Publications And Articles. Kovacs Is A Fervent Advocate For Insurance, Disaster Resilience, And The Adaptation To Climate Extremes.
Professor Ana Maria Cruz is the president of the IDRiM Society. She is a chemical engineer with a PhD in Environmental Engineering from Tulane University, works at Kyoto University and is part of the Research Institute for Disaster Prevention. She is an international expert in industrial risk management and Natech risk management . She has more than 40 publications in international indexed journals.
Prof. Aniello Amendola, Who Earned His Dr. Eng. In 1962 From The University Federico II Naples, Italy, Left The Joint Research Centre Of The European Commission (Ispra, Italy) In 1997, Where He Had Promoted The Major Accident Hazards Bureau. He Continued To Contribute To The Field Of Catastrophe Risk Management Through His Cooperation With The Risk And Society Project Of The International Institute For Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) In Laxenburg Until December 2012, And With The Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) At Kyoto University, Japan. Notably, He Served As A Visiting Professor At DPRI In 2001, Playing A Pivotal Role In Managing The IIASA-DPRI Forum On Integrated Disaster Risk Management, Which Led To The Creation Of The IDRiM Society. His Primary Research At JRC Involved Developing A Dynamic Analysis Methodology For Accident Sequences, Pioneering The Field Of ‘Dynamic Reliability’. He Also Organized International Benchmark Analyses On Risk And Reliability Analysis Of Nuclear Power Plants And Major Hazard Installations, Significantly Enhancing The Understanding Of Various Risk Assessment Methodologies And Associated Uncertainties. Before His Tenure At JRC Began In 1978, Amendola Engaged In R&D Activities At Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, And ENEA, Bologna, Italy, Focusing On The Thermal-Hydraulic Design Of Reactor Cores As Part Of The European Association For The Development Of Fast Breeder Reactors. His Main Research Achievement During This Period Was The Development Of A Widely Adopted Methodology For Assessing Core Thermal Reliability Through Hot Spot – Hot Channel Analysis. Amendola Has Also Shared His Expertise Through Courses Related To His R&D Activities At Numerous EU Universities.
El Prof. Aniello Amendola, que obtuvo el título de Dr. Eng. En 1962, por la Universidad Federico II de Nápoles (Italia), dejó el Centro Común de Investigación de la Comisión Europea (Ispra, Italia) en 1997, donde había promovido la Oficina de Riesgos de Accidentes Graves. Siguió contribuyendo al campo de la gestión de riesgos de catástrofes mediante su cooperación con el proyecto Riesgo y Sociedad del Instituto Internacional de Análisis de Sistemas Aplicados (IIASA) de Laxenburg hasta diciembre de 2012, y con el Instituto de Investigación para la Prevención de Desastres (DPRI) de la Universidad de Kioto (Japón). En particular, fue profesor visitante en el DPRI en 2001 y desempeñó un papel fundamental en la gestión del Foro IIASA-DPRI sobre Gestión Integrada del Riesgo de Catástrofes, que condujo a la creación de la Sociedad IDRiM. Su investigación principal en el CCI consistió en el desarrollo de una metodología de análisis dinámico de secuencias de accidentes, pionera en el campo de la «fiabilidad dinámica». También organizó análisis internacionales de referencia sobre análisis de riesgos y fiabilidad de centrales nucleares e instalaciones de alto riesgo, mejorando significativamente la comprensión de diversas metodologías de evaluación de riesgos e incertidumbres asociadas. Antes de comenzar su mandato en el CCI en 1978, Amendola participó en actividades de I+D en Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Alemania, y ENEA, Bolonia, Italia, centrándose en el diseño termohidráulico de núcleos de reactores como parte de la Asociación Europea para el Desarrollo de Reactores de Generación Rápida. Su principal logro de investigación durante este periodo fue el desarrollo de una metodología ampliamente adoptada para evaluar la fiabilidad térmica de los núcleos mediante el análisis de puntos y canales calientes. Amendola también ha compartido sus conocimientos a través de cursos relacionados con sus actividades de I+D en numerosas universidades de la UE.
Yasuhide Okuyama, Ph. D. Is A Professor At The University Of Kitakyushu, Japan. He Obtained His Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) From The University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign. He Is Currently Serving As A Co-Editor In Chief For Economic Systems Research, The International Scholarly Journal Of The International Input-Output Association (IIOA). Is A Distinguished Academic And Researcher In The Realms Of Regional Science, Economic Modeling, And Disaster Impact Analysis, Renowned For His Extensive Contributions Towards Understanding The Economic Impacts Of Natural Disasters And Applying Regional Economic Models For Disaster Resilience And Recovery Planning. His Expertise Spans Input-Output Analysis.
Computable General Equilibrium Models, And Spatial Economic Modeling, Through Which He Evaluates Both Short-Term And Long-Term Disaster Effects On Regional Economies. Okuyama Has Played A Pivotal Role In Analyzing The Economic Aftermath Of Major Global Disasters, Offering Crucial Insights Into Economic Resilience And Strategic Recovery Planning. Holding Various Academic Positions In Both The United States And Japan, He Has Been A Prolific Contributor Of Scholarly Articles, Book Chapters, And Presentations In His Fields Of Expertise. Active In Both Regional Science And Disaster Management Communities, Dr. Okuyama Advocates For Interdisciplinary Approaches In Disaster Risk Management, Stressing The Integration Of Economic Perspectives With Broader Disaster Preparedness, Response, And Recovery Discussions.